Blue lagoon in the Silfra crack

Blue lagoon in the Silfra crack
Gallery of the underwater pictures from Aqualund's trip to Iceland with Steina as Reiseführer. We (Steina, Bo, Christer F, Christer R, and Salvatore) did Silfra and Daviðsgjá in Þingvallavatn, Strýtan i Eyjafjörður and a few normal sea-dives. Fantastic! Salvatore's pictures are <a target="_blank" href=";albumId=18113"> here</a>, <a target="_blank" href=""> here</a>, and <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>. We whish to thank the Reykjavik diving club <a target="_blank" href="">SKFÍ</a>, and especially Anton Smári, Anna Maria and Friða for making this possible!

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