Nordic Championship in Underwater Photography

Nordic Championship in Underwater Photography
The 2010 competition is now <a href="">settled</a>. My first time competing in NM; came 12'th of 37 competitors. Quite OK. This picture (previously published here) achieved 3'rd place in the 'pool' cathegory. This year the judges actually selected pictures as announced, i.e., "fresh new thinking", which I hadn't quit trusted when I selected my pictures. Well done judges! Other pictures with reasonable scores include <a href= "../pictures/2479">another pool picture</a> and <a href="../pictures/2419">the isopod"</a></ br>/Bo

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Ремонт wrote about 11 years ago (2013-12-24 15:34:06 UTC)

Отличные фото! Вы мастер!!